Kolumbianische Frauen, gehoeren zu den begehrtesten.

Laut einer aktuellen Umfrage der US-Reiseagentur http://www.misstravel.com wurden über 40 000 Amerikaner gefragt, in welchem Land sie die Frauen so richtig sexy finden.

Bei den gefragten Männern sind die kolumbianischen Frauen, am begehrtesten und somit auf Platz 1. Erstaunlicherweise sind die Schwedinnen nur auf Platz 9 gelandet.

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Die Kolumbianerin, Laura, Profil Nr. 56

die Kolumbianerin, latin girls, latina girls

Nataly, 26, aus Kolumbien. Profil Nr. 45

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Die Kolumbianerin, Monica, Profil Nr. 74

Falls Sie Interesse haben eine kolumbianische Frau zu kontaktieren, empfehlen wir Ihnen unsere Webseite zu


Die Kolumbianerin

Viele Kolumbienreisende  sind begeistert von den  schönen Landschaften, der Freundlichkeit der Menschen und des attraktiven Klimas. Besonders viel Interesse zeigen die Touristen für die kolumbianischen Frauen . Wer schon einmal in Kolumbien war oder gar mit einer Kolumbianerin befreundet war, wird hier ohne weiteres zustimmen können.

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Die Kolumbianerin, Sandra Profil Nr. 7

Weltweit gelten Kolumbianerinnen als die mitunter schönsten Frauen dieses Planeten. Hinzu kommt ihre Herzlichkeit, ihr ausgeprägtes Familienbewusstsein, ihr sehr feminines und stets sehr gepflegte Auftreten, und nicht zuletzt ihre Wertevorstellungen hinsichtlich Partnerschaft und Familie. Während heutzutage viele Frauen in Deutschland eine feste Bindung oder gar Ehe ablehnen und strikt ihre Unabhängigkeit bewahren wollen, ist die Ehe und eine eigene Familie mit Kindern für eine Kolumbianerin das Wichtigste.

Die meisten kolumbianischen Männer sind “Machos”, trinken, gehen fremd und behandeln Ihre Frauen gewöhnlicherweise  grob und rücksichtslos .  So  ist das in Kolumbien überhaupt keine Seltenheit, dass ein Mann 4 Partnerinnen gleichzeitig hat, die auch noch gegenseitig voneinander wissen. Gewissenhafte, einfühlsame und vor allem treue Männer sind hier die absolute Außnahme. Umso stärker ist daher heutzutage der Wunsch vieler Kolumbianerinnen nach einem liebenswerten Partner aus dem Ausland, insbesondere aus Nordamerika oder Europa.

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Die Kolumbianerin, Mary, Profil Nr. 54

Der grösste Wunsch einer Kolumbianerin ist es einen treuen, verantwortungsbewussten Mann ausländischer Herkunft zu bekommen, der ihnen eine materielle Stabilität und später ein intaktes Familienleben bieten kann. Ein Altersunterschied von 10, 20 Jahren  ist für die meisten Kolumbianerinnen vollkommen normal .  Viele Frauen suchen sogar gezielt nach deutlich älteren Männern aus dem Ausland.

Mithilfe des Internets können Sie so ganz bequem von zu Hause aus Kontakt mit einer oder mehreren Kolumbianerinnen aufnehmen, bevor Sie nach Kolumbien reisen.

Klicken Sie auf das Wort Kolumbianerin um auf unsere Webseite zu kommen.

Die Agenur bietet einen Übersetzungsservice und eine organisierte und betreute Kennenlernreise nach Bogota an.

Colombian Women

Latina girls are getting more and more attention.

A lot of men want to discover new things. New possibilties. Colombia is not only famous for cultivating the best coffee, having the most exotic fruits but also for having the sexiest and most attractive women.

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1. Where is Colombia?
Colombia  is a beautiful country in south america. The people are a mix of Spain, and Native Indian.

2. What is the best location to find Latin women?
All the locations are very good but Colombia  is very successful with about 65% of the men getting engaged on their first
visit. Medellin, Santa Marta, Cartagena and Bogota have the best looking women in Colombia.

3. Is this place safe to go to? I have heard bad things about Colombia.?
The places  that we know are safe because we already have been there. The most kidnapped people have been always involved in politics or in the drug buisness.

4. Why are colombian women better than Russian women?
Russia has the highest divorce rate in the world! Colombia and other Latin countries have the lowest. Russian women were raised in a society where there is no religion and the people have very cold personalities. Latin women are raised with the family and values being the center of everything. The people in Latin America very warm and are much friendlier than even the United States. American women are very cold and not family oriented by Latin standards.

5. Are these women as materialistic as American women?
Absolutely not! The women in Latin America are typically not materialistic and most live in poverty. We know you will be
pleasantly surprised with their honest appreciation of all small gifts, attention and affection they receive.

6. Why can’t the women in your agencies find good husbands in their own countries?
They could find a local man but their options are not good and they prefer men from USA and Europe. They think we are more sincere, faithful and hard working. They also find us very different and attractive. It’s the ultimate supply and demand in our favor. There are many more beautiful, single ladies in our locations than quality men to fill the demand. We need supply, that’s you, the men.

7. Do the women have children?
About 40% do have children. If a woman has a child she will marry a much older man. 20-30 years older. This is why you see 50 year old men with young women age 20-23. If you have children the women love the family and it is not a problem.

8. Do the women just want a Green Card?
Many of our customers retire with their wives in Latin America. Most would be just as happy if you moved there. Most of our women members would follow a man they love, anywhere. This question is usually asked by unhappy married men and American women, they both hate our websites. The American women feel very threatened by it and the married men realize they could have done much better in their choice of a wife. Information is everything and worth more than money!

9. What age women should I be dating?
Age is looked upon differently in Latin America. The higher the age, the more stable and sincere the man. Typically the women are looking for a man 10-20 years older. Here is a quick chart.

10. Why do most of the women’s profiles say looking for faithful or sincere man?
In Latin America being unfaithful to ones wife has always been part of the Machismo culture. The women think American and European men are more faithful.

11. How did these ladies find out about your introduction agency?
Most women are referred to us by friends that have had success with our agency. We also advertise in the local newspapers.

12. Why do so many beautiful women want to be in our agency?

They want to meet foreign men. Your looks and age are not important, your personality is. Latin men in Latin America are known for their bad behavior and have many girlfriends on the side. For this reason, even the families want their daughters to find a man from outside Latin America.

13. How are my chances of  finding the right partner?
For the 50% of our clients that get engaged on the first trip, the answer is yes. We think the other 10% of the men are not serious and just want to play. Many men go to Latin America 2-3 times a year to play and the other 40% come back to get married that depends on the men. Only you can help yourself and make the trip.

14. How do I know if its a serious agency?
Profile section like models in bathing suits and only high resolution photography reveals fake profiles. If they want you to sing up to only view the profile you cant take it as a serious agency, because just viewing a profile should be for free.

15. Russia has the highest divorce rate in the world, why would anyone go to Russia to find a wife?
We hear so many horror stories about women from Russia, even though they are beautiful.  Prepare to get burned by the Russian women and remember “We told you!”

16. What are your services?
Our services for the individual contacts can be found here:

We also offer personalized tours to Bogota:

18. What Services do you offer?
Individual contacts, posted profiles, translation service, personalized tours and if you need something else please ask us.

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1. Learn to dance.

This aspect is important, but if you’re a useless dancer, it’s not the end of the world. Either way, be able to accept that you’re totally inferior to everyone else when it comes to dancing to the local music, whether it’s salsa, samba or reggaeton. What makes the difference is trying to make an effort. Just don’t try to make an effort without a little basic instruction first. There’s plenty of one week salsa classes that you can take for example. Salsa is an immensely difficult type of dance to pick up – it’s something that’s in the blood of most Latin people who have been relative salsa pro’s since the age of five – so take some lessons and get practicing. You won’t look as good a dancer as the Latin men, but you’ll be seen as the “gringo” man at least making an effort. If you pick up salsa, you should be able to pick up many of the other Latin rythms by default – samba (from Brazil) is kind of vaguely similar, though more frenetic. And Reggaeton (the other type of music you’re most likely to hear in Latin America) is essentially Hispanic hip-hop, and great for dirty dancing. Get practising – learn the moves, take some lessons and it’ll pay off.

2. If you want to visit Colombia you should know where to hunt.

Choosing an appropriate hunting ground is very important. Best to go where the locals go. Don’t bother with places frequented by other foreigners or tourists – to make the most of your advantage you want to head to places where foreign (exotic) people are a novelty.

Colombia’s beach resorts, such as those of San Andres, Santa Marta and Cartegena, are popular for meeting sexy latinas.

Lets think about it: Are you a real matcho like the common Latinos? What are the Latinos like?

4. Everything about you that is Un-Latino normally works to your advantage.

Latin men’s charms are an (apparently) over-exaggerated myth when it comes to conquering Latin women. Being a smarmy, arrogant, I’ll tell you want you want to hear type of bloke is so not the way to go about it. Be everything that is the opposite to the definition of how Latin men try to pick up Latin women. So don’t try to copy the smooth talking, fancy themselves type Latin men that you might see in a nightclub or bar – this is, actually, the definition of what Latin women hate. Confidence is one thing, but being a slime ball is another. You want to be different, and anything that you can do to emphasize your difference compared to all those other local men in whatever place you’re in works to your advantage. Key personality traits that you might want to emphasize displaying include being down to earth, interested in what other people are telling you about, intelligent, and from a being from a totally alien, different society. Being able to take your booze (drink) works to an advantage too. Just behave differently from those drunken, local men.




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Latina girls

Latina girls

A lot of men are interested in latin girls. But where are the most attractive women from South America from? They are living in the exotic country Colombia.

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latin-girls, sexy-latinas

About Mary from Bogota, Colombia:

I´m a happy, calm and tender and sincere 
person. I´m a nurse and I live in Bogota.

Are you interested in single colombian women seeking men for marriage and romance?
Then contact us at:  http://www.mycolombianwife.com/

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latin-girls, sexy latinas



Meet colombian women seeking foreign men. Just click on Colombian women to go to our website.

Follow us on:

facebook:  http://www.facebook.com/mycolombianwife
twitter:  https://twitter.com/latina_brides
google: http://plus.google.com/u/0/105947543322791315653

How are Colombian women?

Hello everyone,

Here on this site I want to share some information about Colombian women.

So what makes the Colombian woman so interesting, sexy and alluring?

Colombians are exotic by nature because they are a mix of different cultures, which makes them so attractive.  But it is really important for Colombian women to dedicate a reasonable portion of their time to taking care of themselves. Whether it’s going to the gym, a beauty salon, or shopping, they do it because they like to feel good about the way they look. This gives them self-confidence, which I think is a huge part of a Colombian woman’s attitude. 

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For starters, Colombian women  are a mix of three races: the indigenous Indians, European settlers, and African slaves. Over the last five centuries, the three races have blended continuously. Compared with the U.S. and other societies, there have been relatively few taboos about race-mixing, a process that only accelerated when slavery ended in 1888. Mixing races produces unique and therefore exotic-looking combinations of features.

**** Check out Colombian single woman who are seeking foreign men for romance and marriage through our website: ****

Click on Colombian women to go to our website.

Here are some general pointers:

1) There is a strong sense of family in Colombia.

The extended family is also important. People tend to live close to Mom and Dad, aunts and uncles. It is also a matriarchal society (although men had the power for generations, when it comes to raising kids, mothers are considered more important than fathers). There are not many people living alone in Colombia.  Divorce rates unfortunately are growing, so this may change. Still, it is not a very individualistic society. Children live with their parents until they get married. That of course makes kids closer to their parents, and affects how they see their future family as well.

2)There are also different rules of conduct for couples.

Married people or people in committed relationships do not go out on “Boys Night Out” or “Girls Night Out” where they can flirt with other people. Men might play soccer with their buddies in the afternoon, women might have a coffee and go shopping with their female friends but they do not go out at night and leave their partner alone at home. No strip clubs for men in committed relationships either. If your GF finds out you go to these places you can expect a very strong reaction.

3) When it comes to engagement and weddings, Colombian women are used to do things differently.

Usually the women in Colombia like to celebrate this big event with the desired man and their family.

4) We don`t recommend you of having a dalliance with hookers and strippers here in Colombia  just because we as a Dating agency care  about your  personal sercurity.

Considering that someone wants to get in contact with hookers or strippers here in Colombia we would rather recommend you to get in contact with us, the Dating agency, mycolombianwife. Since the personal security is one of our major focus we are able to organize the meetings in the hotel lobby. The lobby of the Hotel you are staying  in Bogota is a  common place where we, the secretary and the intrepeteur can welcome the colombian ladies.

5) Women are encouraged to spend a lot of their time on their looks-body, clothes and hair. Staying attractive is a big must especially in a culture that judges people by how they look.


6.) Colombian women expect the man to be a gentleman. They like a man who opens doors, drives them places, changes their oil, etc. They are not very good when it comes to practical things (they eventually learn after a few years living here), but when it comes to decision making, Colombian women are opinionated and not shrinking violets. They expect you to respect them and share your decisions with them as part of a couple.



The great thing about Colombian women is that they aren`t so ambitious like the women from the United States, Europe or Russia. For these women oneself as a man must have high paid job, a high education and  an especial type of character.
The women from Colombia don`t have these excessive high requirements when looking for a man. As far as our experience we can guarantee you that most of the Colombian women are simply seeking forfamily-oriented and trustable man for a longterm relationship.

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———————> Follow us on:

Just click on Colombian women to go to our website.

facebook:  http://www.facebook.com/mycolombianwife

twitter:  https://twitter.com/latina_brides
google: https://plus.google.com/u/0/105947543322791315653/posts

blogger: http://colombian-women-tours.blogspot.de/

